Do you want to know why your diets fail? Or why you quit that exercise program just when you start to see excellent results? Or why that business you’ve been planning to launch never seems to leave the planning stage? It’s Your Comfort Zone.

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Create Your Personal Guiding Principles

Create Your Personal Guiding Principles

Personal Guiding Principles are a set of rules you have chosen to live by. Your Personal Guiding Principles will help you make, and stick to your decisions and actions.

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Transform your Life with the Power of Forgiveness Using Ho’oponopono

Ho’oponopono (Ho-Oh Pono-Pono) is an ancient Hawaiian transformation and healing technique of letting go of past issues that are preventing you from living your life to the fullest. Ho’oponopono is a self-help tool that removes toxic, self-limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears from your mind. It does so by replacing those thoughts with feelings of faith, trust, and love.

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Ho'oponopono, hooponoponoAbbie