The Ho'oponopono Experience


The Ho'oponopono Experience

Every time I mention the word Ho’oponopono in a conversation, I always get the Huh? Face. I had that exact face when my friend tried to introduce it to me a few years ago. “Huh? What? Huh? Who?” However, she had NEVER stirred me wrong, and I knew she wasn’t about to start, so I got the book Zero Limits, and Ho’oponopono changed my life.

What is Ho’oponopono?

Ho’oponopono (Ho-Oh Pono-Pono) is an ancient Hawaiian transformational and healing technique of letting go of past issues that are preventing you from living your life to the fullest.

Why You Should Be Interested

Ho’oponopono is a self-help tool that helps you clean toxic memories that create reoccurring issues in your life.

Ho’oponopono is a self-help tool that helps you remove self-limiting beliefs, doubts, and fear and replaces those thoughts with feelings of faith, trust, and love.

Ho’oponopono is a simple self-help tool you can start using right this moment.

Ho’oponopono is a self-help tool that will change your emotional vibration and frequency with visible results in your interactions with people. (This happened in my case.)

Ho’oponopono is a self-help tool that makes you understand and accept that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. It lets you live secure in the fact that you know that you can clean away whatever doesn’t work for you.

Ho’oponopono is a self-help tool that I recommend to anyone that will listen to me. Why? Because if I am explaining Ho’oponopono to you, then you were responsible for pulling me into your life. You needed to hear it, read it or watch it.

My Ho'oponopono Experience

The Ho'oponopono experience might be different for everyone, but here is my story. It took me a minute (not literally it took a little while) to wrap my mind around what Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len were talking about in the book Zero Limits.

  • What was Ho’oponopono?

  • Whom was I forgiving?

  • Why should I forgive him/her/it?

One of my philosophies is to make the self-help tools I use as effortless as possible. So, while I was learning what Ho’oponopono was, I decided to keep repeating the short form mantra until I grasped the full meaning of the work. What could it hurt? All I had to do was repeat: I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.


The most amazing things started happening to me 10 minutes after I began repeating the mantra, people started reacting to me differently. I walked by, and they smiled and sent random greetings. I started to feel my energy change, I was floating by the time I walked into my office. In less than 30 minutes I was hooked.

The Short Mantra in a Nutshell

The Ho’oponopono Mantra is used to help you release all negativity. It is a short mantra you repeat anytime, anywhere to evoke the power of Ho’oponopono.

Understand the Ho'oponopono experience is the simple act of letting go and having faith in a mantra based on an ancient Hawaiian tradition. I didn't know what it was, it just made sense to me. I had a past to clean, and this was a tool that told me all I had to do was believe, have faith and just do it. Yes, it was that simple.

Here is an excerpt from the book Zero Limits explaining the short mantra in a nutshell:

Here's what the Ho’oponopono Mantra is saying to the Divine as you repeat it: (This is according to the book Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len, Ph.D.)

I Love You: Transmutes your energy from stuck to flowing. It reconnects you to the Divine.

I am Sorry: You acknowledge that something has gotten into your system without your knowledge.

Please Forgive Me: You are asking the Divine to help you forgive yourself.

Thank You: You are expressing gratitude. You are showing your faith that the issue is resolved for the highest good of all concerned.

Ho’oponopono Mantra

  • I love you.

  • I am sorry.

  • Please forgive me.

  • Thank you.

As a person who used to hold on to memories and has those thoughts on constant replay, Ho'oponopono has changed my life. With the discovery and use of this fantastic tool, I feel like I have dropped the burden of guilt, self-punishment and a whole bunch of other negative emotions associated with all the events of my past.

I just changed the soundtrack in my brain Every time I feel thoughts or actions or experiences that take me out of my joy vortex coming up, I just repeat the mantra.

My energy frequency nowadays surprises me every moment I experience the effects of Ho'oponopono. I am a magnet for babies and super random adult humans. I love noticing the slight changes in people's energy when I am in the zone.

I also know exactly when I am not in the zone by how I feel and how people react to me. Babies still love me, though, who can't help but be in the zone around babies?

I hope you take some time to learn about Ho'oponopono. I have included links to the other articles I have written on the subject and books on the Ho'oponopono experience, that I hope will change your life.

I love you.

I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

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Ho'oponopono, hooponoponoAbbie